A Treat for Reformation Day

Download: A Mighty Fortress Is Our God (Johannes Eccard, 1597)

95-thesesI’d really like to take a whole lot more time on this before putting it up here, but time is what I don’t have, and I’d love some feedback if anyone gets a chance to use it for Reformation Day this year. This is sheet music for Johannes Eccard’s SATTB setting of “Ein feste Burg,” with the lyrics for the first stanza from The Lutheran Hymnal. Eventually I’d like to upload sheet music for each stanza, but until then, you can just have your choir pencil in the lyrics of the stanza they’re going to sing. This is in the same key as the setting in TLH and LSB, so you can have choir and congregation go back and forth. Let me know what you think!

And a blessed Festival of the Reformation!

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