Behold a Host, Arrayed in White

Tune: Den store hvide Flok

  1. Behold a host, arrayed in white,
    Like thousand snow-clad mountains bright,
    With palms they stand.
    Who is this band
    Before the throne of light?
    Lo, these are they of glorious fame,
    Who from the great affliction came
    And in the flood
    Of Jesus’ blood
    Are cleansed from guilt and blame.
    Now gathered in the holy place,
    Their voices they in worship raise,
    Their anthems swell
    Where God doth dwell,
    Mid angels’ songs of praise.

  2. Despised and scorned, they sojourned here;
    But now, how glorious they appear!
    Those martyrs stand
    A priestly band,
    God’s throne forever near.
    So oft, in troubled days gone by,
    In anguish they would weep and sigh.
    At home above
    The God of Love
    For aye their tears shall dry.
    They now enjoy the Sabbath rest,
    The paschal banquet of the blest;
    The Lamb, their Lord,
    At festal board
    Himself is Host and Guest.

  3. Then hail, ye mighty legions, yea,
    All hail! Now safe and blest for aye,
    And praise the Lord,
    Who with His Word
    Sustained you on the way.
    Ye did the joys of earth disdain,
    Ye toiled and sowed in tears and pain,
    Farewell, now bring
    Your sheaves and sing
    Salvation’s glad refrain.
    Swing high your palms, life up your song,
    Yea, make it myriad voices strong.
    Shall praise to Thee,
    God, and the Lamb belong.

Den store hvide Flok vi se
Hans A. Brorson, c. 1760
Tr. composite
Source: The Lutheran Hymnal, 1941, No. 656

Danish Text


Tune: Den store hvide Flok

  1. Den store hvide Flok vi se,
    Som tusind Bjerge fuld’ af Sne,
    Med Skov omkring
    Af Palmesving,
    For Thronen. Hvo er de?
    Det er din Helteskare, som
    Af hin den store Trængsel kom,
    Og har sig toed
    I Lammets Blod,
    Til Himlens Helligdom.
    Der holde de nu Kirkegang
    Med uophørlig Jubelklang
    I høie Kor,
    Hvor Gud han bor,
    Blandt alle Engles Sang.

  2. Her gik de under stor Foragt,
    Men se dem nu i deres Pragt
    For Thronen staa
    Med Kroner paa
    I Himlens Præstedragt!
    Sandt er det, i saa mangen Nød
    Tidt Taarestrøm paa Kinden flød,
    Men Gud har dem,
    Straks de kom hjem,
    Aftørret paa sit Skjød.
    Nu holde de, og har tilbedst’
    Hos ham en evig Løvsals-Fest,
    Og Lammet selv
    Ved Livets Elv
    Er baade Vert og Gjæst.

  3. Til Lykke, Kjæmpe-Samling! ja,
    O tusindfold til Lykke da,
    At du var her
    Saa tro især,
    Og slap saa vel herfra!
    Du har foragtet Verdens Trøst,
    Saa lev nu evig vel, o høst,
    Hvad du har saad
    Med Suk og Graad,
    I tusind Engle-Lyst!
    Ophøi din Røst, slaa Palme-Takt,
    Og syng af Himmel-Kraft og Magt:
    Pris være dig
    Vor Gud og Lammet, sagt!

Hans A. Brorson, c. 1760
Source: Salmebog for Lutherske Kristne i Amerika, No. 559