Take from Us, Lord, Thou Faithful God

Tune: Den Herren lobt ihr Heiden all

  1. Take from us, Lord, Thou faithful God,
    Thy dreadful and avenging rod
    Which we through countless sins and crimes
    Have well deserved a thousand times.
    From famine, war, and pestilence
    Protect us by Thy Providence.

  2. In pity, Lord, look on our race,
    We seek not justice, but Thy grace.
    Should Thy just judgments go so far
    To call us to Thy Sovereign bar?
    No man could bear Thy holy sight,
    Or plead His guilty case aright.

  3. In Thee we trust, to Thee we sigh,
    And lift our heavy souls on high:
    Give us an instance of Thy grace,
    And punish not our evil ways.
    By true repentance bring us home,
    And save us from the wrath to come.

  4. Why wilt Thou raise Thy dreadful storms
    Against so vile and feeble worms?
    Thou, Author of our being, know’st
    That this our frame is earth and dust;
    Our best endeavors are but frail:
    If Thou dost search, we greatly fail.

  5. Sin still besets us ev’rywhere,
    Nor Satan fails to lay his snare,
    The wicked world, with flesh and blood,
    Conspire to rob us of all good.
    O Lord, this is not hid from Thee;
    Have mercy on our misery!

  6. Consider Thy Son’s bitter death,
    Wounds, agonies, and parting breath.
    These dreadful suff’rings of Thy Son
    Atoned for sins which we had done.
    O for His sake our guilt forgive,
    And let the mourning sinners live.

  7. O Lord, lead Thou us by Thy hand,
    And deign to bless our native land.
    Preserve Thy Word amongst us pure,
    Keep us from Satan’s wiles secure.
    Grant us to die in peace and love,
    And see Thy glorious face above.

Nimm von uns, Herr, du treuer Gott
Martin Moller, 1584
Tr. J.C. Jacobi, 1722, alt.
Source: Hymnal for Evangelical Lutheran Missions, 1905, No. 109

German Text (coming soon)