Meter: 8.7. 8.7. 7.7. 8.8.
Composer: Johann Crüger, 1640
Source: Newes vollkömliches Gesangbuch, Berlin, 1640
Proper Text: Zion Mourns in Fear and Anguish (Zion klagt mit Angst und Schmerzen)

This tune is based upon an earlier composition by Johann Hermann Schein, 1623, for the text “Blessedness, Peace, Joy, and Rest (Seligkeit, Fried, Freud, und Ruh),” written for his daughter upon her death and included in a booklet with the heading, “A child’s farewell kiss, with which she made her blessed departure from this vale of tears to her heavenly Bridegroom and Redeemer Jesus Christ, on August 21, 1623, Susanna Sidonia Schein, when she was 8 weeks and 6 days old, from her dearly beloved father Johann Hermann Schein … and from her dearly beloved mother Sidonia Schein.”
Seligkeit, Fried, Freud, und Ruh a 5 (Johann Hermann Schein 1623):

Johann Crüger later adapted Schein’s tune for Johann Heermann’s text, “Zion Mourns in Fear and Anguish (Zion klagt mit Angst und Schmerzen).” The tune first appeared in its current form in Crüger’s Newes vollkömliches Gesangbuch, Berlin, 1640, p. 457. In 1649 it was included in Crüger’s Geistliche Kirchenmelodien in a four-part setting with descant for two violins. It appeared also in the 1653 Praxis pietatis melica with a slightly adjusted rhythm, which has been used for the Free Lutheran Chorale-Book.